Episode 17: Advent Week 1

Show Notes

Join Shanna and Kristen this week as we kick off our new series through the time of Advent. You’ll get a new mini episode every week through December. We hope you enjoy this time of celebrating Advent with us.

Scripture to read: Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 9:1-7

Reflection Questions:

Consider Israel’s long wait for the Savior to come. How do you think God’s people fought against doubt, discouragement and the temptation to believe God forgot them?

Are you good at waiting? Why or Why not? What makes some promises easier to wait on than others?

God often gives us seasons of waiting to sift and strengthen our faith. If you are in a season of waiting, what might the Lord be teaching you?

How strong is your confidence that God keeps His promises? Read 2 Corinthians 1:19-20. How does this passage affect your understanding of God’s faithfulness?

Pray for yourself and those around you, asking God to open your eyes and heart to what He has for you this advent season.

Suggested Advent Album: Behold the Lamb of God – Andrew Peterson

Suggested Songs:

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

Advent Blocks