Episode 21: Advent Week 5

Show Notes

Scripture to read:

Luke 21:27-28

2 Peter 3:8-14

Songs suggested:

In Christ Alone

Look and See

You Hold Me Now.


Re-read 2 Peter 3:8-14. What stands out to you in this passage and why? What questions does it leave you with?

How does your life reflect your belief that Jesus will return? Is it something you think about and long for?

What do you think of when you hear or read the words “be diligent”? What does it look like for you to be diligent in pursuing holiness and godliness? In what areas do you need to fight and flee from sin? In what areas do you need to cultivate love for God and love for others?

Look up Romans 8:22-25. Compare it to Revelations 21:1-7. What future birth do we await? How does looking expectantly to the promised return of Jesus affect the way you see your present circumstances?

In prayer, thank God for the reality that Jesus will return and make all things new. Confess any areas of your life where you haven’t been diligent in pursuing holiness. Ask the Lord to show you specific ways you can actively await His promised return in the coming year